XenTegra - Nutanix Weekly

Nutanix Weekly: Nutanix Validated Designs - Blueprints for Success

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 84

Building a fully customized solution from scratch can be complicated. It requires researching various hardware and software products from multiple vendors and verifying that they offer everything you want and work together.

You must also make several detailed design decisions, then evaluate the complete solution for supportability, maintainability and scalability to ensure that it meets your operational needs, can adapt to changing requirements, and offers a compelling TCO and ROI.

At Nutanix, we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. To provide the right solution for your needs, we offer various technical solution artifacts: Tech Notes (TN), Best Practices Guides (BPGs), Reference Architectures (RAs), and Nutanix Validated Designs (NVDs).

Blog Link: https://www.nutanix.com/blog/nutanix-validated-designs-blueprints-for-success by Ketan Mota

Host: Phil Sellers
Co-Host: Harvey Green
Co-Host: Jirah Cox
Co-Host: Ben Rogers

Philip Sellers: Welcome to Episode 84 of Nutanix Weekly, one of the many XenTegra podcasts with context.

00:00:11.700 --> 00:00:19.419
Philip Sellers: We call them that because we're trying to bring our real world experience working with our customers, working

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Philip Sellers: alongside of our partners and and running this technology in house

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Philip Sellers: and share that information with our listeners say hello to today's panel. I'm joined today with XenTegra-GOV CEO, Harvey Green.

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Philip Sellers: Harvey, how are ya.

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Harvey Green III: I am good. How are you?

00:00:38.210 --> 00:00:39.750
Philip Sellers: Doing really well.

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Philip Sellers: we've also got Zen. Excuse me. Nutanix Field, CTO Jirah Cox, Jirah! How are ya.

00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:49.299
Jirah Cox: I think we just created the XenTegra podcast universe. The XPU.

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Harvey Green III: A.

00:00:50.670 --> 00:00:56.970
Philip Sellers: We may as well call it that after after a dozen of these, yeah, we we kind of have a universe going on.

00:00:57.880 --> 00:01:01.990
Philip Sellers: And we're also joined with and I keep trying to

00:01:02.220 --> 00:01:10.979
Philip Sellers: recruit you guys, I I want you to become XenTegra employees, I guess. Nutanix sales engineer, Ben Rogers. Ben, how are you?

00:01:10.980 --> 00:01:19.170
Ben Rogers: Philip, how are you doing? And I will tell you if this is turning into a community. I am glad to be one of the members of this, because there's some good stuff going on here.

00:01:19.510 --> 00:01:29.231
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I agree. We we we are pumping out a lot of content hopefully helping enrich our customers. And in our partners lives.

00:01:30.000 --> 00:01:35.409
Philip Sellers: you know. And speaking of that, we, we're coming back from a week. I I got to spend

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Philip Sellers: some time with all 3 of you guys last week in person, which is

00:01:40.180 --> 00:01:48.405
Philip Sellers: uncommon, you know. We get together every couple of weeks to to record one of these. But we actually got to see each other in person.

00:01:48.860 --> 00:01:53.009
Philip Sellers: And we had to go to the West coast to do it, even though we're all based here in the

00:01:53.060 --> 00:02:00.460
Philip Sellers: the east coast in the Carolinas. So we spent some time together at New Tanks's global tech summit.

00:02:00.610 --> 00:02:04.629
Philip Sellers: Harvey, when it comes to Gts. How many of you attended.

00:02:06.045 --> 00:02:13.069
Harvey Green III: I don't know. It hasn't been that many, maybe 3, I think.

00:02:13.070 --> 00:02:13.870
Philip Sellers: Okay.

00:02:14.180 --> 00:02:19.339
Philip Sellers: you know, since you've been there before, what? What do you leave thinking this year?

00:02:20.160 --> 00:02:20.826
Harvey Green III: You know.

00:02:21.340 --> 00:02:23.693
Harvey Green III: That's funny. You should ask me that.

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Harvey Green III: So there was something that happened at this one that hasn't happened at any of the other ones that I've been to

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Harvey Green III: monkey.

00:02:35.230 --> 00:02:37.915
Philip Sellers: Wow! Harvey! What was that?

00:02:38.990 --> 00:02:47.930
Harvey Green III: For those of you watching the Youtube. Video. I I am so happy for you because you get to see his face go all flush red right now, just flushing away.

00:02:48.986 --> 00:02:57.950
Harvey Green III: I'm gonna drag this one out a little bit jar. What do you think? What what was good for you this time that that didn't come from any of the other ones you've been to.

00:02:57.950 --> 00:03:02.330
Jirah Cox: The boy, you know, like first time for everything right? Like

00:03:02.730 --> 00:03:04.940
Jirah Cox: big room, you know.

00:03:05.030 --> 00:03:13.670
Jirah Cox: A couple 100 couple 1,000 folks. It was, you know. So it's our our internal se and partner se training and enablement event right where we focus on the tech.

00:03:14.010 --> 00:03:18.700
Jirah Cox: But you know who really delivers that tech right is people. People actually come first.

00:03:18.880 --> 00:03:19.570
Harvey Green III: Yes.

00:03:19.710 --> 00:03:24.600
Harvey Green III: yes, that's a wonderful point. Yeah. What about you? What? What did you take away from this one.

00:03:25.710 --> 00:03:38.859
Ben Rogers: Well, you you learn who is making moves in the business. You learn who's learning a lot and getting certified in the business, and you learn who might be partner of the year

00:03:39.420 --> 00:03:40.929
Ben Rogers: at these things.

00:03:41.260 --> 00:03:42.653
Harvey Green III: Yeah, yeah.

00:03:44.150 --> 00:03:50.970
Harvey Green III: you know, that's it's funny you should bring that up. Cause I do remember that there was

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Harvey Green III: a partner engineer of the year that was kind of identified and brought out, you know, over

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Harvey Green III: all of the other partner engineers that new tenants has.

00:04:02.190 --> 00:04:05.300
Harvey Green III: I don't remember the Guy's name. No, Jarry, you remember who it was.

00:04:05.300 --> 00:04:09.036
Jirah Cox: Somebody. Somebody's sitting over close to you. It's amazing how you can like work with somebody

00:04:09.300 --> 00:04:13.710
Jirah Cox: so closely for so long, and then, like, still like, learn new things about them.

00:04:15.300 --> 00:04:15.600
Philip Sellers: Yeah.

00:04:15.600 --> 00:04:21.259
Jirah Cox: You can, like co-host A podcast with them. For just like, you know, episodes upon episodes.

00:04:21.519 --> 00:04:24.939
Philip Sellers: I'm hoping everyone listening is just as uncomfortable as I am.

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Philip Sellers: Maybe.

00:04:28.980 --> 00:04:32.619
Harvey Green III: Would you be uncomfortable? I mean, we're just talking about what happened last week.

00:04:32.620 --> 00:04:33.090
Ben Rogers: Yeah.

00:04:33.427 --> 00:04:42.212
Philip Sellers: I was. Gonna say, maybe not as deep red as I am right now. But you know, certainly have to be uncomfortable listening to it.

00:04:44.370 --> 00:04:46.410
Jirah Cox: Harvey, you're gonna, you're gonna, put the man out of his misery.

00:04:47.643 --> 00:04:51.146
Harvey Green III: Honestly, I wanna put him in a little more misery. I'll make him say it.

00:04:52.116 --> 00:04:53.290
Harvey Green III: Oh, wow!

00:04:53.290 --> 00:04:56.240
Ben Rogers: Oh, that's loaded there.

00:04:57.320 --> 00:05:12.439
Philip Sellers: Well, okay. So I I was very surprised. You know, at at Gts last week, as Gyra said, we we all got together all the engineering side of the house both internal

00:05:12.740 --> 00:05:14.720
Philip Sellers: new tanics esses along.

00:05:14.720 --> 00:05:22.669
Harvey Green III: Alright! That's taking him too long. Congratulations to the 2024 partner, engineer of the year, Mr. Phillip Sellers.

00:05:23.070 --> 00:05:23.470
Jirah Cox: Hmm.

00:05:24.989 --> 00:05:30.250
Ben Rogers: Some of us. When that was announced some of us were not surprised.

00:05:30.680 --> 00:05:58.610
Ben Rogers: Philip, you've done strong work, man, for a long time, and I remember one of the first times I met you. It was I was meeting you because I was, you know, enamored with some of the blog posts that you have been writing at the time, and it was hitting some of the problems I was having head on so congratulations. Not surprised, but man very well deserved. And congratulations on the award. Phillip, you definitely deserve that man. What were some of the stats? They said again. I think

00:05:58.690 --> 00:06:04.799
Ben Rogers: 6, 4 certifications is 6 months, or was it 6 certifications in 4 months?

00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:25.543
Philip Sellers: I, I did 4 certifications. In 6 months after I joined Zentra, I, yeah, you know, a lot of things like this. This great podcast that I get to participate in. You know, I didn't start this. There was a foundation before that. And it is a huge honor I'm humbled by

00:06:26.080 --> 00:06:38.569
Philip Sellers: by the honor, and was surprised by the honor. But yeah, there, there were other people definitely before me, and there's there's a team of people that make stuff like this happen so. I I

00:06:38.830 --> 00:06:46.700
Philip Sellers: I really am genuinely surprised, but also excited and happy. I mean, I just

00:06:46.710 --> 00:07:01.620
Philip Sellers: you know that that's a once in career kind of thing, if it never happens again. It was really really cool, and I was happy happy to to get that honor with a good partner, someone who's been a great partner to us, too. So

00:07:02.065 --> 00:07:04.690
Philip Sellers: thank you. Guys, I I appreciate it.

00:07:05.220 --> 00:07:06.040
Philip Sellers: I'm.

00:07:06.040 --> 00:07:11.139
Harvey Green III: And then some of us were surprised, cause I looked up there, and like Holy Crap, they spelled my name wrong.

00:07:11.870 --> 00:07:13.330
Philip Sellers: I think.

00:07:13.820 --> 00:07:14.720
Ben Rogers: I think.

00:07:14.720 --> 00:07:19.105
Jirah Cox: Harvey. I think Ceos are ineligible, so sorry about that heavy, heavy is the crown.

00:07:19.380 --> 00:07:19.890
Philip Sellers: I mean.

00:07:19.890 --> 00:07:22.959
Jirah Cox: Yeah. So I think that officially makes us an award-winning podcast.

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Harvey Green III: Yeah.

00:07:23.290 --> 00:07:24.710
Jirah Cox: So yes.

00:07:24.710 --> 00:07:25.340
Ben Rogers: Right.

00:07:25.340 --> 00:07:26.360
Jirah Cox: On that note.

00:07:26.360 --> 00:07:28.050
Philip Sellers: That note. Yeah.

00:07:28.050 --> 00:07:32.129
Jirah Cox: It's a podcast that has worn that as have won someone awards.

00:07:34.980 --> 00:07:38.780
Philip Sellers: So it's adjacent, right? It's it's it's award adjacent or.

00:07:38.780 --> 00:07:39.339
Jirah Cox: Wasn't up.

00:07:39.340 --> 00:07:40.689
Philip Sellers: Something like that.

00:07:42.049 --> 00:08:05.000
Philip Sellers: In all seriousness. No, I mean there were. This was a very different year. When we got together. I mean I was there a year ago, and besides the award, this was a very different year. There was a lot more faces a lot more Newtonics employees a lot more partners present.

00:08:06.170 --> 00:08:11.809
Philip Sellers: you know. The thing that I left realizing is that the community here has grown, and there's

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Philip Sellers: there's a recognition of opportunity and a recognition that the technology that Newtonics is is putting out there is solving people's problems. And and

00:08:22.870 --> 00:08:26.560
Philip Sellers: by doing that there's tons of opportunity in the marketplace.

00:08:27.069 --> 00:08:43.050
Philip Sellers: That's kind of what I left with, I mean, I am curious. And I meant that question seriously before Harvey jumped me. I mean, what did you think I mean like, wh, what did you see? Cause I know we talked a little bit on the the way back.

00:08:43.710 --> 00:08:51.620
Harvey Green III: Yeah, I mean, I I see, honestly, a lot of innovation coming and a hot that is, you know.

00:08:51.680 --> 00:08:54.899
Harvey Green III: Ca, both coming out, and has been put out

00:08:54.960 --> 00:09:02.719
Harvey Green III: over the course of the time that that I've been supporting and talking about new tanics as a whole.

00:09:04.470 --> 00:09:12.559
Harvey Green III: You know the the whole conversation that we always end up end up at talking about how it's a platform

00:09:13.144 --> 00:09:21.680
Harvey Green III: is is very, very much recognized. And they're they're definitely leaning into that which I really appreciate.

00:09:22.127 --> 00:09:40.550
Harvey Green III: You know, I've said before that Newtonics is the technology that I would have wanted at the time that I was the person in charge of doing it. I never got the chance then, but love that I have the chance now to interact with it as much as I do and interact with the team as much as I do. So

00:09:40.680 --> 00:09:42.939
Harvey Green III: I'm I'm very appreciative of that.

00:09:44.150 --> 00:09:51.510
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I shared with Harvey on on the travel back. And I call this my one day in Durham story.

00:09:52.190 --> 00:09:54.550
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I joined Zentagra

00:09:54.640 --> 00:10:06.450
Philip Sellers: in November of 2022 officially on November first, but unofficially, I kicked off a day early to come in and get get my equipment, and then fly to a customer.

00:10:06.880 --> 00:10:12.460
Philip Sellers: And then, a week or so later, we were with that same customer in Evc. In Durham.

00:10:12.580 --> 00:10:13.390
Philip Sellers: And

00:10:14.960 --> 00:10:25.760
Philip Sellers: you know, Harvey Harvey been telling me for a long time? You just don't understand. It's it's more. It's more than that. It's not at just Hci. You really need to dig in here.

00:10:26.000 --> 00:10:37.210
Philip Sellers: and during that one day in Durham I got to dig in, and that's all it took for me to become a believer. It was pretty evident quickly how much more value there was

00:10:37.370 --> 00:10:42.020
Philip Sellers: hyperconverged was just a small piece of the overall story.

00:10:42.050 --> 00:10:46.390
Philip Sellers: and although everything kind of ties back into it

00:10:46.680 --> 00:10:48.668
Philip Sellers: ties back into that storage layer.

00:10:49.436 --> 00:11:01.529
Philip Sellers: It really is a valuable platform. So I do love hearing that message, and that that was one of the things that got said. I mean, what what sticks out for you, Gyra, from from last week.

00:11:02.940 --> 00:11:09.689
Jirah Cox: I think I agree with you there for sure. Right? That I mean I've been in in Newtonics themed conversations now for

00:11:09.850 --> 00:11:12.019
Jirah Cox: close to a decade, and

00:11:12.210 --> 00:11:14.769
Jirah Cox: for sure, like the storage difference.

00:11:14.770 --> 00:11:15.740
Philip Sellers: Used to be.

00:11:15.740 --> 00:11:28.300
Jirah Cox: The vast majority of the conversation. And I love actually, now, how? That's not even like top 10 things that are most interesting about us when looking at a platform to run your apps, store your data?

00:11:28.717 --> 00:11:43.439
Jirah Cox: You know, really take you to the cloud from the cloud between clouds. Anything you want to do with us? The way we do? Storage is still meaningful, still crazy performance. I still love doing like the face melting pocs that that never gets old

00:11:43.440 --> 00:12:00.299
Jirah Cox: but but that's a really a byproduct. Right? So yeah, fully agree with all you guys. I led a session last week about using our S. 3 storage for hosting data and servicing apps. And the best feedback that I got was that I made S. 3 storage interesting, and I'll take that as a solid win.

00:12:01.677 --> 00:12:10.139
Philip Sellers: Yeah. Then I saw you across the room. We were in a Kubernetes session together.

00:12:10.780 --> 00:12:16.479
Philip Sellers: What did you see from that app story portion of of where things are going.

00:12:16.480 --> 00:12:23.829
Ben Rogers: Well, I want to answer your first question, because this is where I see it. You know, 2 years in

00:12:24.558 --> 00:12:40.329
Ben Rogers: man, a lot of times. We're compared to our competition. It's always, you know, new tanics compared to this new tanics compared to this, whether it be comparing us to storage, whether it be comparis to Hypervisor. That's really kind of where I feel like it lands sometimes.

00:12:40.330 --> 00:13:08.449
Ben Rogers: And what this Gts kind of showed me is man. We're really starting to prop up on our own story what we got coming down the path with, you know, automation containers. AI, we're really starting. In my opinion, we're starting to stand on our own and go. You know, we're beyond what our competitors can do at this point, I mean, yes, we can compete directly against storage and hypervisor vendors. But when you look at the platform and everything we bring to it

00:13:08.450 --> 00:13:15.280
Ben Rogers: what they're developing on it, some of the stuff we're doing with AI is really going to be cool, man, and we're partnering with some of the best

00:13:15.330 --> 00:13:17.640
Ben Rogers: in the business on the chipset. So

00:13:17.740 --> 00:13:25.289
Ben Rogers: that's kind of what I brought away from Gts is you're now starting to see we've got a we got some swagger behind us.

00:13:25.602 --> 00:13:47.799
Ben Rogers: We've got some large customers that are coming our way and starting to really buy in our technology, which is giving, you know, our opportunity to kind of show. We can do it a large scale and to scale out. So that to me was really the big message to it's, it's not about the competition for us anymore. It's about who we are and how we solve our customer problems.

00:13:47.800 --> 00:13:54.080
Ben Rogers: and that's going to make competing against our competitors easy. In my opinion, as far as the app stuff.

00:13:54.290 --> 00:13:58.279
Ben Rogers: we've acquired a new company. I'm still trying to wrap my head around exactly.

00:13:58.280 --> 00:13:59.010
Philip Sellers: You know.

00:13:59.010 --> 00:14:08.910
Ben Rogers: That company is going to do for the platform. I think we're early in the emphy, but when you listen to the people that have been acquired by that merger.

00:14:08.920 --> 00:14:28.439
Ben Rogers: I mean, these are guys that are sitting beside the Google developers. And they're developing the platform around people that have, you know, created this technology. And now they're on board on our team, and we now have direct resource to them. I met 2 individuals there. I can't remember their names, but I will definitely search them out now that I'm back. And going through.

00:14:28.440 --> 00:14:29.450
Philip Sellers: I know it's with.

00:14:29.450 --> 00:14:56.809
Ben Rogers: They're individuals. I go, hey! These have been players in the infancy of these technologies. They understand this nuts and bolts. They're part of the organizations that are kind of guiding the compliance of where this is going. That's a good thing for new tanics, in my opinion, man, when you could bring that kind of brain power into your organization, absorb their technology into ours, and make it better, and then hear them be excited about joining our company.

00:14:56.950 --> 00:14:58.319
Ben Rogers: And that's awesome dude.

00:14:58.750 --> 00:15:01.819
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I I agree with you. It it's

00:15:02.280 --> 00:15:05.140
Philip Sellers: not just comparing you to

00:15:05.210 --> 00:15:10.079
Philip Sellers: to another vendor. At this point. You're you're doing things that stand out in your own right?

00:15:11.360 --> 00:15:23.751
Philip Sellers: you know a a. And I think that's a a good segue into the blog post we've got for today. You know, we wanted to talk a little bit about new tanics, validated designs, blueprints for success. That's the name of the

00:15:24.180 --> 00:15:29.539
Philip Sellers: the blog post we've got for for review today. It's written by Keaton. Moda.

00:15:29.730 --> 00:15:32.560
Philip Sellers: Shout out to Keaton, and

00:15:32.570 --> 00:15:35.789
Philip Sellers: I hope I didn't butcher his name. I hope that's actually

00:15:35.800 --> 00:15:38.140
Philip Sellers: the correct pronunciation. But

00:15:38.300 --> 00:15:47.359
Philip Sellers: we we appreciate everybody that that's putting out content and stuff for us to talk about. This is a a really interesting one. Because.

00:15:47.480 --> 00:15:55.679
Philip Sellers: yeah, the validated designs really helps us to to put something in front of a customer that's been tested. That is a blueprint for success.

00:15:56.360 --> 00:15:57.580
Philip Sellers: You know.

00:15:58.000 --> 00:16:02.100
Philip Sellers: Yeah, walking in and talking to a new customer. I mean, it is tough.

00:16:02.691 --> 00:16:15.350
Philip Sellers: You know, matching a a used case back to a a technology solution. So these validated designs are are good building blocks to to start from. Gyra, I mean, how do you think about

00:16:15.400 --> 00:16:18.226
Philip Sellers: the Nvds? The new Tanics, validated designs.

00:16:19.610 --> 00:16:27.759
Jirah Cox: Yeah, I mean, I'd say to all the technical bloggers out there that if you also have an interesting name and want to hear Phillip read it on the air, live with no prep and no rehearsal.

00:16:27.760 --> 00:16:28.069
Philip Sellers: Yeah.

00:16:28.380 --> 00:16:42.349
Jirah Cox: Consider submitting your blog to the Newtonics blog and you, too. No, I'm just kidding. I think you got Katie's. Perfectly correctly. The what do I think about Mvds? That was the question. Actually, sorry I needed to punch it up there.

00:16:42.670 --> 00:16:53.250
Jirah Cox: so I love the Graphic. Here we use to introduce the Mvds at the top of the article here? It's showing Mvds. At the top of this triangle, this larger pyramid of layers below it

00:16:53.260 --> 00:17:21.620
Jirah Cox: cause it really kind of shows how we work with customers and think about stuff like a design. So that base layer right? Of course you've got. We call out certifications, supported configurations, stuff like compatibility, matrices or hardware compatibility lists really just basic stuff like someone tested it in a lab. It works. It passed their sort of let's call it an intentionally narrow gate, for like, does this work not work right as a product, as a as an interoperate interoperability thing as a

00:17:21.970 --> 00:17:31.130
Jirah Cox: as a compatibility layer works right from there you move up into things that are sort of more opinionated, but also more thoroughly tested. Right. So stuff like

00:17:31.190 --> 00:17:34.560
Jirah Cox: a best practices. Guide right? So the bottom layers almost like what you could do

00:17:35.230 --> 00:17:42.630
Jirah Cox: best practices layer up one layer is like things that you probably ought to do, or ought to consider, or ought to have, a really strong reason for not doing.

00:17:43.050 --> 00:17:45.470
Jirah Cox: gonna ignore, like a best practice there

00:17:46.170 --> 00:17:59.940
Jirah Cox: on that same level. We call it the tech notes, right? Which is kind of more like a miniature design that if you were, say, if you knew a technology call it your favorite flavor of like database or application platform. But you were like.

00:17:59.980 --> 00:18:13.440
Jirah Cox: I know this thing pretty well. But how does it work on mechanics. Right? What should I change? What should I consider? What should I think about the take notes there for you to say? It's sort of like application focused guidance on stuff like configuration deployment operations procedure stuff like that.

00:18:14.670 --> 00:18:23.760
Jirah Cox: One more level up from that. The reference architecture. Now you're getting into this is really like your skeleton of like you should consider building things this way.

00:18:24.360 --> 00:18:27.800
Jirah Cox: And the reference architecture, of course, is great

00:18:27.820 --> 00:18:55.799
Jirah Cox: at the top, right? These all meet at the mechanics. Validated design right? The Nvds, where it's more like this isn't just works on paper. This isn't just, you know, 10 different tests all done in the lab. But separately, this is, if we're calling in an Mvd. Someone has actually built this all the way. We say it runs 7,000 vms, someone put 7,000 vms on it and tested it, and then did all the things with it fully validated. Right? In one sense it's sort of in the name, but in the other sense it's it's easy to to overlook

00:18:56.133 --> 00:19:07.479
Jirah Cox: combining all the goodness of a reference architecture of the best practices. Guide of the tech notes, right? It's kind of the batteries included design right up to like an Mpx level. You know

00:19:07.540 --> 00:19:16.809
Jirah Cox: our smartest folks sit down and think of the very deepest of deep thoughts around. How would you design this, deploy this, operationalize this, and then bend it to the business.

00:19:16.910 --> 00:19:25.079
Jirah Cox: put that all together in a huge document, and that becomes the mechanics ability to design where, if you build it this way and run it this way, it's validated and going to work for you.

00:19:26.160 --> 00:19:33.139
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I mean. So when you you think about a validated design, I mean, what? What's the business outcome that you're driving.

00:19:35.466 --> 00:19:36.960
Philip Sellers: Go ahead!

00:19:36.960 --> 00:19:49.250
Jirah Cox: So I would say 2 2 outcomes right right off the bat that we get to and get to faster with customers. One is just flat out customer confidence right? Some folks meet us right in that first meeting, and they're like.

00:19:49.250 --> 00:20:08.050
Jirah Cox: not next, who right? And so when we can say actually, it's Newtonics. And actually, this is how you would design for an active, active data center across, you know, a metro boundary within a geographic area and have the outcome of like an entire data center goes dark, and all your workloads auto resume. By the way, here's how you do that right.

00:20:08.090 --> 00:20:28.949
Jirah Cox: And then the other one being that even when we go to do it, to do a design for customers, even we internally, and of course, partners to have this to leverage to say, maybe I need to tweak this for my customer design or my specific requirements. But the bones of this are gonna be fully reusable and are still gonna help me drive towards or help me inform my own design decisions with my customer for my specific environment and example.

00:20:30.950 --> 00:20:40.519
Jirah Cox: So so faster confidence and more confidence for customers and and quicker designs that we can produce for our customers as well when we are in the room, and engaging with them.

00:20:41.590 --> 00:20:47.600
Philip Sellers: Yeah. And I I think time is money right? I mean at the end of the day that speed to

00:20:49.600 --> 00:20:53.309
Philip Sellers: Well, I mean, it's faster. Return on investment. Right? It's faster

00:20:53.680 --> 00:20:54.520
Philip Sellers: outcomes

00:20:55.830 --> 00:20:56.319
Ben Rogers: For the.

00:20:56.320 --> 00:20:56.960
Philip Sellers: General

00:20:57.414 --> 00:21:06.729
Philip Sellers: you know I can't help s see the see the Graphic you're referring to here, and I mean, it's it's kind of like food. Pyramid, right, you know, at the top. So

00:21:08.040 --> 00:21:24.240
Ben Rogers: But you gotta think from a customer perspective. This is this is where I really like the Nvd. This is as a sales engineer sitting down, either talking with an existing customer about taking a next step. They want to expand their installation, or they want to. Do you know, they want to get into cloud.

00:21:24.240 --> 00:21:48.510
Ben Rogers: or with a white space customer that has no idea who Newtons or whatever we pronounce it is. This is a good way for me to sit down and go. Hey? Let me show you some proven recipes that we've used to bat to to help our solutions. Come, being help our customers come with solutions, and so a lot of times this might be a starting ground for me to start my conversation, especially with the tech people of

00:21:48.510 --> 00:21:59.969
Ben Rogers: here. I always like to say, let me show you the proof in the pudding, so that when you bake the pudding, you know it's going to be good. This is where we start, and a lot of engineers appreciate this. You know, you get these

00:21:59.970 --> 00:22:27.030
Ben Rogers: Rfps and they have all these requirements. Sometimes we can take these Nvds and mark them directly to the requirements and go here. This requirement we slash with Nvd. This, and so from a sales engineering perspective and working with other technologists that are looking to procure and purchase equipment solutions, it solutions. These are very good man. These are very good roadmap, so what I call recipes to how we deliver our solutions.

00:22:28.190 --> 00:22:28.795
Philip Sellers: Yeah.

00:22:30.690 --> 00:22:52.089
Philip Sellers: I I agree. You know the the other thing. You know, that you might think you know when you hear a new tanics. Validated design is, oh, well, this is soup to nuts. Very opinionated, very new tanics. Kind of thing. But that's not actually the case, is it. These, these are often created around

00:22:52.140 --> 00:22:54.649
Philip Sellers: partner solutions, partner

00:22:55.053 --> 00:23:20.540
Philip Sellers: Isv software. And so when when you look at the Nvds that we have currently have available. I mean, you know, there's one for Citrix. There's one for openshift from red hat as well as you know, the the soup to nuts, new tanics type, things like disaster recovery. So it. It's not just a new tanics thing. It's also integration with with your key software partners as well.

00:23:20.970 --> 00:23:21.990
Jirah Cox: On. Yeah.

00:23:22.610 --> 00:23:30.310
Jirah Cox: private cloud, hybrid multi cloud cloud. Dr. For customers that are looking to drop a data center and use cloud as a Dr. Target.

00:23:32.390 --> 00:23:35.809
Jirah Cox: with stated preferences for hardware. But

00:23:36.000 --> 00:23:40.429
Jirah Cox: but hear me say hardware as like capacities, right like pick cpus of this.

00:23:40.430 --> 00:23:41.040
Philip Sellers: Shape.

00:23:41.040 --> 00:23:52.039
Jirah Cox: Pick memory of this capacity. Not go pick this vendor, go, pick this node, pick this logo. They're really usable and applicable across. Really, whatever your chosen flavor of hardware is.

00:23:53.230 --> 00:24:08.029
Philip Sellers: So so as we look at the design. Well, let's take a little bit more in there. What? What is the actual design? What do you get as a deliverable when when you look at and and go to one of these validate designs.

00:24:08.710 --> 00:24:22.310
Jirah Cox: Yeah. So I like that. So sort of in the inventory list, right? You get to read it for the audience real fast. You get the design guide interoperability and functional validation, my favorite part of it, performance and scalability testing. Right? If you go build it.

00:24:22.320 --> 00:24:24.019
Jirah Cox: Here's the actual.

00:24:24.120 --> 00:24:45.840
Jirah Cox: You use Ben's analogy. Here are the tasting notes that you should see in the finished product. Right? So when you go, when you go, build it the certain way, and then you go to test it. These are the results. You should expect software. It even specifies, like software versions of like Aos to load on. What was, what did we do when we validated it? Your sizing template? So if you need, bigger or smaller, what are the ways to think about that, and how to adjust it for your design.

00:24:46.166 --> 00:25:15.719
Jirah Cox: You know, like doubling or having a recipe, I can stick with a theme analysis of Tco and Roi, you know so like. Why would you consider doing this? What are the compelling business drivers behind it and the deployment guide? How do you build it? Right so then. So then, to your point, Philip, you were asking about, you know. So what do you get in the Design Guide, which is one of only, you know a bunch of components here of an Nvd in the Design guide you're really getting. I kind of said it before, like an Mpx level, like an absolutely master design

00:25:15.760 --> 00:25:44.509
Jirah Cox: level session of, like, we're making this decision. Here's the justification for that. Right? We're going to deploy with Dhcp, or we're going to deploy with Rf. 2. And here's my justification for that design decision. And all these things are fully documented with the same thing we would do with our customers for a candidly very high dollar, high value, design engagement. If we did a custom for them right around. What are your assumptions, requirements, constraints that are, you know. None of us get to go

00:25:44.520 --> 00:25:52.490
Jirah Cox: design and sell a solution on a fully blank canvas like no constraints. Right? There's always hardware, reuse, network reuse

00:25:52.720 --> 00:26:00.800
Jirah Cox: price constraints, availability requirements, risks from having to interoperate with other things in the environment and.

00:26:00.800 --> 00:26:01.280
Philip Sellers: This is.

00:26:01.280 --> 00:26:05.250
Jirah Cox: This is also a realistic kind of design that incorporates a lot of those elements as well.

00:26:06.060 --> 00:26:33.879
Philip Sellers: You know, I said in on a session. We we talked about Newtonics, validated designs last week, and one of the things that we talked about is, you know, this is a great starting point where a customer can feel confidence without having to do their own poc about having to do their own testing, because, you know, this has gone through. Probably a greater amount of testing than a Poc would be able to do, plus it's on the

00:26:33.880 --> 00:26:41.170
Philip Sellers: right hardware components, the right bill of materials. How important is that to the overall

00:26:41.780 --> 00:26:47.119
Philip Sellers: customer experience? I mean, what? What are the benefits that come to mind.

00:26:47.340 --> 00:26:49.130
Jirah Cox: You're right. It's critical. Oh, sorry!

00:26:49.350 --> 00:26:50.420
Harvey Green III: Not for him.

00:26:50.420 --> 00:26:58.579
Jirah Cox: I'd say it's critical, and you're right. If the customer bought a cluster, say 16 nodes to run 7,000 vms.

00:26:58.930 --> 00:27:17.860
Jirah Cox: None of us would give them a 16 node. Poc. No one has that harbor laying around, nor would they go build 7,000 vms right, but to your point, like it absolutely is tested in a more rigorous way than the average poc is. There's no, there's no, let's just test a little bit of it and assume it scales up. It's let's build it at scale and then test it as a methodology. Go ahead, Arby.

00:27:18.150 --> 00:27:37.380
Harvey Green III: Yeah, I was just gonna comment on 2 2 very big things that come out of this. We've kind of already talked about. One is predictability. Especially when you look at what Jarra highlighted around performance and scalability testing you, you aren't just talking about, hey? What if we do this? What happens?

00:27:37.420 --> 00:28:00.190
Harvey Green III: We're actually looking at, hey? If we make this decision, and if we do it with this decision point, this is what performance looks like versus. If we do it with this decision point, this is what it looks like. And oh, yeah, this is, you know how big it will scale if we go this way. And if we add one more note, or we do this one other tweak, this is what that will look like. The ability to

00:28:00.300 --> 00:28:11.973
Harvey Green III: go and have that sort of testing that sort of published result to be able to do that out of the box based on what's already

00:28:12.690 --> 00:28:17.279
Harvey Green III: what's already set up for you. What's already published. What's already there.

00:28:17.320 --> 00:28:22.159
Harvey Green III: I think, is huge from a customer standpoint, because

00:28:22.630 --> 00:28:25.820
Harvey Green III: they're not gonna have time to test like this.

00:28:26.243 --> 00:28:47.620
Harvey Green III: They're not going to have like F. Forget. Yes, resources are important. Yes, you know the the ability to go in and say, well, we're gonna try out 16 nodes on a poc like ye. Yeah, that that all sounds, you know, way bigger. And you know, in in some cases, sort of a pipe dream as to what you wanna try to test.

00:28:47.650 --> 00:28:55.359
Harvey Green III: But even if you put all that aside, let's say, just furnished you with all the hardware you needed for your Poc. You can't invent time.

00:28:55.841 --> 00:29:06.679
Harvey Green III: and the ability to have something like this that is already validated, that, you already know, has gone through. You know, way more engineers than you probably have on staff

00:29:06.710 --> 00:29:14.330
Harvey Green III: and have something in front of you that can be a turnkey solution for you, for your build out.

00:29:14.420 --> 00:29:20.669
Harvey Green III: That is hugely important from a customer standpoint that would make a difference for them from day one.

00:29:20.820 --> 00:29:43.609
Ben Rogers: So I I can give you a really good, real world example of how these things really come into play and how they're benefit to the process. We have a customer. It's looking at doing Dr. And aws, they haven't purchased in the Aws yet. They're really doing all the research they can, we were able to present the validated design with them. One of the things that was in the validated design is, how do we scale out?

00:29:43.720 --> 00:30:09.689
Ben Rogers: You know they were asking questions about how exactly do you add more nodes? You know everything they had seen in the Demos was all manually driven. They were like we're not gonna have anybody, and go in and add a node like that. Well, in the validate design, it had some of the scripting of how we go about adding a node automatically. What are the thresholds that we look at when those thresholds are met? What scripts are lost against the environment? And this is something that we were able to produce in front of the customer and goes.

00:30:09.690 --> 00:30:14.270
Ben Rogers: Here's how it will work. And now the customer goes all right.

00:30:14.270 --> 00:30:37.409
Ben Rogers: I see exactly the steps that are going to be involved in this. This is my pseudo run book already in place. All I've got to do is purchase and then implement. So it's giving the customers confidence that what they're looking at is going to work. It's been validated. It's been tested. Yadda yadda, yadda. I haven't experienced this second piece, but I have heard through the grapevine that some of our customers

00:30:37.410 --> 00:30:47.470
Ben Rogers: have taken some of these Nvds that actually turned in into Rfps and just took out new tanics and said, We want an environment that can perform these

00:30:47.660 --> 00:30:58.610
Ben Rogers: this scale at this hardware value. And so I think that's interesting, too. When you see our Mvps being put as Rfps for potential purchase.

00:30:59.840 --> 00:31:09.909
Harvey Green III: Mean. It's very much the easy button for those people. Because they have something that they can actually go out that they know will work, and they will. It will give them

00:31:09.940 --> 00:31:21.009
Harvey Green III: and expect your result, and they can copy and paste it into. Hey? This is what I want, you know, please bid on this. Because this is what I want.

00:31:21.547 --> 00:31:43.840
Harvey Green III: and from that standpoint to be able to to take something that you don't necessarily know the ins and outs of everything about it, and then be able to just put that together. I know that I will get the correct outcome if I do these things and get this hardware and configure it this way. Then that's a big win. Again. You can't invent time.

00:31:43.940 --> 00:31:54.749
Harvey Green III: So, being able to take something like this and put it out there and get what you need and get a get a certain level of confidence confidence in the

00:31:55.170 --> 00:31:58.399
Harvey Green III: predictability of what you'll receive like. That's

00:31:58.510 --> 00:31:59.730
Harvey Green III: that's what you want.

00:32:00.060 --> 00:32:12.497
Philip Sellers: Well, that that's the right word. In in my opinion, Harvey is, you know it. It's the same thing when you walk into a dark room, and you flip the light switch. What do you have? You have confidence. The light will come on.

00:32:12.920 --> 00:32:38.060
Philip Sellers: and that's the same kind of confidence that an nd can drive at the end of the day. Yeah, it it's that expected outcome that that you can. You can do one of the other things that you? You called out. And and I do. Wanna kinda circle back to it is scale. And you know we we've done a number of Pocs in our past, and you and I have worked on things together. You know

00:32:38.280 --> 00:32:41.450
Philip Sellers: we we can do things at small scale that work

00:32:42.060 --> 00:32:42.960
Philip Sellers: as

00:32:43.390 --> 00:32:52.499
Philip Sellers: but what happens when you, you triple, or 10 x, or 20, or 30, or 40 X. That poc.

00:32:52.530 --> 00:32:56.190
Philip Sellers: What sorts of things have we seen happen in in those environments?

00:32:56.190 --> 00:33:00.140
Harvey Green III: Yeah, I refer to that time as this is what happens when it gets real

00:33:03.873 --> 00:33:26.040
Harvey Green III: there are all kind of warts that you can cover over, you know, when it's 20 or 30 users, or when you've only migrated over, you know, 5 or 10 servers like there are all kinds of things that you either won't see or you can take, you know, some very little workaround to get past and not have to worry about it anymore. You know, just check off the box when it's that small

00:33:26.512 --> 00:33:28.840
Harvey Green III: but when we get to the point

00:33:29.080 --> 00:33:41.569
Harvey Green III: to your point where you're scaling it 20 XA hundred x whatever that is, when you already have something in front of you that says, if you scale it this way, you can expect these results

00:33:41.770 --> 00:33:44.252
Harvey Green III: there's much less

00:33:45.850 --> 00:33:50.734
Harvey Green III: I guess I'll go with the word guessing right it. It takes the guessing out.

00:33:51.365 --> 00:33:51.670
Jirah Cox: Real.

00:33:52.320 --> 00:34:00.680
Harvey Green III: Well, I'm not necessarily saying that I do think it's real. I do think it's been validated. But you know

00:34:00.800 --> 00:34:14.500
Harvey Green III: everybody has a chance. I mean, everybody has a a plan until they get punched in the mouth right? That's that's just how it is they. There's this is a validated design

00:34:14.550 --> 00:34:26.769
Harvey Green III: that was validated in an actual environment, in a real environment. With real configuration and real results. And you know, real documentation

00:34:27.281 --> 00:34:30.889
Harvey Green III: that does not necessarily equal your own environment.

00:34:30.969 --> 00:34:42.709
Harvey Green III: So while it can give you confidence and predictability, that if you do these things, these things will work. If you have something in your environment that, you know always makes things run amok.

00:34:42.710 --> 00:35:05.649
Harvey Green III: Then you at least have the ability to. Look at something and say, Okay, if I do this, then I get these results. But I know this thing is crazy. So let me just put a little more, you know resources here, or let me, you know, do this thing, or whatever that is in your environment, to avoid whatever it is that you've been, you know, running away from. If there is something

00:35:06.202 --> 00:35:21.470
Harvey Green III: but again, being able to do that based on something you already know is validated and takes things like that. Not necessarily that thing but takes things like that into consideration

00:35:21.530 --> 00:35:32.659
Harvey Green III: again. That's that's a huge difference. And a great head start into getting it to the point where it becomes your own validated design, running in your environment.

00:35:33.770 --> 00:35:45.902
Philip Sellers: So so not only are we an award winning, podcast, but I think Harvey may have just taken us into territory, where we need a parental advisory because of the mouth punching so.

00:35:46.270 --> 00:35:48.856
Harvey Green III: I was like. Wait! What did I say?

00:35:49.180 --> 00:35:50.050
Jirah Cox: Pilots.

00:35:50.050 --> 00:35:52.475
Philip Sellers: Rate of need for violence.

00:35:54.100 --> 00:36:22.319
Ben Rogers: One of the other things, though, is like there's territory that's still brand new. And so when I when I look at this, you know design portfolio. You look in the first column, the third row. We're already doing Nvds for AI and machine learning. I mean, this is still, you know, man very hot ground. And so for me personally, if I was a customer, and somebody from Newton is, Kenny said, hey, we have an Mvd. For Aidl. I would want to see it, just to educate myself on the process.

00:36:22.320 --> 00:36:29.579
Ben Rogers: Not much, not, you know, including, you know, just learning about AI and Ml. In itself, much less how mechanics does it.

00:36:29.580 --> 00:36:52.600
Ben Rogers: I do want to segue to the other part of this article that talks about the success stories that we've had with Nvd. And one of the things. If you read these success stories you'll hear some of the same words that we're using like the last example, the last sentence there being able to architect and deploy as a tried and tested stack, also help to avoid

00:36:52.600 --> 00:36:58.180
Ben Rogers: guest work. We talked about that and accelerate time to value. So again.

00:36:58.340 --> 00:37:08.920
Ben Rogers: Bruce, in the pudding, this is a recipe for success, and we're seeing this work over and over again our customer installation. So I really think that this part of

00:37:08.960 --> 00:37:19.559
Ben Rogers: the article really puts all of the meat and potatoes together. And again, it's using the same language. If we've been using the whole time during this of why are Nvd. So value to our company?

00:37:20.310 --> 00:37:35.568
Philip Sellers: You know, you're talking about the customer success stories. Something else stuck out to me as as I went through these, there's 3 customer success stories, a global technology company, a global retailer and a large public sector organization.

00:37:36.030 --> 00:37:38.699
Philip Sellers: all 3 of these, you know.

00:37:38.920 --> 00:37:45.339
Philip Sellers: it's not a one. Size fits all. Nbd story. It's not like they took one off the shelf and said, We're doing this.

00:37:45.690 --> 00:38:10.570
Philip Sellers: you know, in 2 of these examples they've used both the hybrid cloud on Prem. Nbd. And then the database Mvd. And in another they use the hybrid cloud Mvd. Unified storage and openshift Mv. To meet their goals. So there's a lot of flexibility. It seems in in the way that you go to market with the Mv. So I mean, is that something you.

00:38:10.650 --> 00:38:14.890
Philip Sellers: You see, often as you're talking to enterprise customers, Jyra.

00:38:15.010 --> 00:38:37.930
Jirah Cox: Oh, totally, I mean, and our largest customers, right? Yeah, like you'd expect in on any technology stack or in any cloud, you tend to get large workload pods right? And so the the way that, like you would really kind of glue glue these together is. Here's what my standard server kind of pods look like, and they have one shape, container workloads, maybe different, and then, of course, unified storage different still.

00:38:37.960 --> 00:38:42.590
Jirah Cox: But these can all share, like, say, a comment management layer or framework.

00:38:42.630 --> 00:38:55.980
Jirah Cox: or be hosted in a common management cluster so lots of ways that you could find the intersectionality of all of these and make them together. And to say, These are all the pieces of my one singular, you know, data center design.

00:38:56.310 --> 00:39:08.619
Philip Sellers: Yeah. And Ben, you were talking about the Enterprise Edge with AI and Ml. Validated design. We talked a lot last week about Gpt in a box, and some of the other things that are are

00:39:08.966 --> 00:39:13.869
Philip Sellers: still developing, you know. Gpt, in the box is an interesting one. You know. We've had

00:39:13.880 --> 00:39:19.130
Philip Sellers: a few customers reach out after Newtonics, announced the Gpt in the box.

00:39:19.624 --> 00:39:22.989
Philip Sellers: So I mean, this is a a area of

00:39:23.260 --> 00:39:26.012
Philip Sellers: really intense customer interest.

00:39:26.710 --> 00:39:30.159
Philip Sellers: how are discussions going kind of in in your realms?

00:39:30.570 --> 00:39:54.970
Ben Rogers: Well, one thing people are, you know concerned about is that most of the AI technologies are out. The day are cloud based, and some customers are not really hip to putting their. You know, enterprise data out in the cloud. Specifically, healthcare man. We've seen a lot of healthcare customers go. We want the ability to do AI. But we don't want to present that to a cloud service. This solves that problem. And now we can run

00:39:54.970 --> 00:40:20.510
Ben Rogers: private AI infrastructure inside the 4 walls of the company, allow them to digest their data, mine their data do whatever Aiml executions they want to do on it and still keep it protected from the outside world. So again, this is where we're really seeing the rubber meet. The road for us is having these clusters that are multi faceted. You know you were talking about. You see, multiple Mds in one solution.

00:40:20.510 --> 00:40:45.569
Ben Rogers: One of the things I'm very proud of. Our cl our clusters is, they can be multi purpose. Our our clusters can run files, containers, traditional vms, all on one platform and within the single cluster, or we have some customers that dedicate clusters to services, they'll have a cluster for files. I have a cluster for vm, so I have a cluster of containers. So again, the flexibility is there, and we're just following that and suit with AI.

00:40:45.570 --> 00:40:59.710
Ben Rogers: The way. When AI was first mentioned to me I got very stressed. I was like, you know, how do I learn to talk about this? I'm not. I'm not an AI guy, and pi one of our customer success. Executives.

00:40:59.710 --> 00:41:23.590
Ben Rogers: he said. Man, it's just another workload dude. Just think of it as another workload, and then you'll start to learn that. You know, man, we just happen to the goodness of the Gpu. We're allowing that AI engine to run on top of the cluster and and accept these execution points. So again, we're we're trying to. I don't wanna say oversimplify it. But we're trying to have it make sense to customers

00:41:23.590 --> 00:41:30.539
Ben Rogers: having these Mvs prove that what we're saying is real, and we're not just making it up and being Hi and Scott.

00:41:31.520 --> 00:41:39.080
Philip Sellers: That's true. Well, for someone who's listening and really interested in what we're talking about. Where can they find these? Tara.

00:41:40.160 --> 00:41:49.769
Jirah Cox: So I should call out a couple of really good links there that are in the article that are both great for reviewing Nvds, but also just stuff in general that are not

00:41:49.830 --> 00:41:57.629
Jirah Cox: part of our usual pattern of like, go look at these things. So one we link in the article here to the Detox Tech center. It is absolutely fantastic. Chock full of good stuff.

00:41:57.710 --> 00:42:02.320
Jirah Cox: butanex.com slash tech dash center

00:42:02.963 --> 00:42:09.296
Jirah Cox: where we bring together best practices, docs, the design docs

00:42:10.340 --> 00:42:16.919
Jirah Cox: all kinds of good stuff, covering all kinds of products or outcomes or workloads. So tech dash center, really, really good stuff there.

00:42:16.970 --> 00:42:19.189
Jirah Cox: And then also we link out to

00:42:19.260 --> 00:42:23.789
Jirah Cox: the architecture page. newtonics.com slash architecture

00:42:23.870 --> 00:42:40.879
Jirah Cox: where you can get. We do also show the Nvds here, but also workload specific stuff. Right? So check this out for things like database designs. We show sap, hana mongo postgres, vdi designs, big data analytics like, if you're like.

00:42:40.880 --> 00:42:57.500
Jirah Cox: if you're wondering, how does this workload run on Newtonics, or what should I build to make it run well on Newtonics? This is is absolutely your first stop for taking a look at what have others done? What works? Well, what's recommended? And quickly getting that answer right to Harvey's point? You can't buy money.

00:42:57.800 --> 00:43:00.990
Jirah Cox: can't invent money. No, you can't invent time. Can't invent time. Sorry.

00:43:00.990 --> 00:43:02.849
Harvey Green III: He said it. A bunch, you know.

00:43:02.850 --> 00:43:05.060
Jirah Cox: Still didn't get it right the first 2 times.

00:43:05.060 --> 00:43:05.420
Harvey Green III: Right.

00:43:05.420 --> 00:43:06.680
Jirah Cox: Yeah, in this time

00:43:07.080 --> 00:43:07.730
Jirah Cox: you can. And.

00:43:07.730 --> 00:43:10.043
Harvey Green III: Go back 5 s to do that over again.

00:43:11.480 --> 00:43:20.150
Jirah Cox: Ok, we'll edit this right one. Take. But you can read other people's notes from testing and get faster yourself.

00:43:20.470 --> 00:43:21.330
Harvey Green III: Yes.

00:43:21.330 --> 00:43:39.470
Philip Sellers: Yeah, for sure. And another quick place to find the new tanics. Validated designs is inside your support portal. It is linked on the left hand side. And so all of them are are quickly available there. So if you go out to the new Tannic support portal, you can also find them.

00:43:39.830 --> 00:43:42.489
Philip Sellers: but this has been a great discussion, you know. I I

00:43:42.520 --> 00:43:58.490
Philip Sellers: I love some of the call outs around, you know, acceleration around being able to get better time to value return on investment, you know. Can't get return on investment. If it's sitting on your shipping, Doc, and not actually in a rack somewhere.

00:43:59.200 --> 00:44:00.529
Harvey Green III: So people who've tried.

00:44:00.530 --> 00:44:01.590
Ben Rogers: Yeah.

00:44:01.590 --> 00:44:05.341
Philip Sellers: Yeah, unfortunately. You know you you can't.

00:44:06.030 --> 00:44:10.779
Philip Sellers: you can't get value out of something that's not turned on and running so

00:44:11.805 --> 00:44:12.720
Philip Sellers: we

00:44:13.040 --> 00:44:15.081
Philip Sellers: we we do love these

00:44:15.660 --> 00:44:21.599
Philip Sellers: as a starting point, or as a validated way of operating

00:44:22.220 --> 00:44:22.979
Philip Sellers: And

00:44:23.910 --> 00:44:26.950
Philip Sellers: yeah, I I can't think of anything else.

00:44:27.380 --> 00:44:29.239
Philip Sellers: yeah, this, this is fast.

00:44:29.330 --> 00:44:30.600
Philip Sellers: secure.

00:44:31.300 --> 00:44:33.500
Philip Sellers: scalable and

00:44:34.000 --> 00:44:50.389
Philip Sellers: confidence. Th, those are the words I would say, you know, stand out after our discussion today, guys, I really appreciate you joining me for the discussion Nbd's doesn't sound like all that exciting of a topic. But you know, this is pretty cool stuff. This is.

00:44:50.440 --> 00:44:54.612
Philip Sellers: This is where it gets real. Just to quote Harvey,

00:44:55.420 --> 00:44:55.810
Harvey Green III: Right.

00:44:55.810 --> 00:45:03.910
Philip Sellers: Guys. I do appreciate it. I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thank you for listening. And we'll see you in the next podcast.

00:45:12.160 --> 00:45:13.979
Harvey Green III: And congrats again. Phil.