XenTegra - Nutanix Weekly

Nutanix Weekly: Empower Nutanix Data Protection With New HYCU Innovation

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 87

This week, we talk with Subbiah Sundaram from HYCU, one of the strongest Nutanix ecosystem partners, about the recent innovations and protections for data hosted in Nutanix services.  HYCU was first to market with support for AHV backups, the collaborated with Nutanix to develop backup APIs for Nutanix Files and most recently, HYCU announced support for Nutanix Database Services or NDB, during the .NEXT conference in Barcelona. 

This podcast is based on HYCU's Blog Post, Empower Nutanix Data Protection with new HYCU innovation -

Host: Phil Sellers, XenTegra 
Guest: Subbiah Sundaram, HYCU